Hello Friends, Music Lovers, Fiddle Players, Violinists……
I started playing the violin at age 26, just after graduating from college in 1979. I took violin lessons for many years, studied with Master Irish fiddler Niall Gannon, and learned from a variety of violinists/fiddlers from many traditions.
My fascination with the instrument led me to attend the Violin Making School of America in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1986. After the VMSA, I worked and learned from many excellent violinmakers/restoration experts including Geoffery Seitz, seitzviolins.com, Bobby Talasek from St. Louis Mo., Sharon Cuniff from Burleson, Texas, Tom Verdot & William Scherer, schererviolins.com from Columbia Mo., Marc Rennard fiddler, Tucson, Arizona and Allen & Matt Wyatt, wyattviolinshop.com from Kansas City/Independence MO. I am very grateful for these great makers and repair artists for the knowledge they have shared. I have been making and repairing violin-family instruments for 32 years.
I’d love the opportunity to work with you, and look forward to the music you will make.